Terapia Astrodinamica

Terapia Astrodinamica

Strategie e avvertimenti
sui problemi della mappa natale.

Da gennaio 2019 offriamo avvertimenti, strategie e azioni riparatorie su diversi “problemi astrologici”.
Contatto: max@power-relations.com

Logica e contesto:

Ifá e Astrologia (o, importanza della tua mappa natale anche se hai ifá)
di Max Sandor (traduzione di Oscar Marzorati)

Storicamente, sia Ifá arabo (“ifaya”) che Ifá europeo (“Geomantia”) erano collegati all’astrologia. Se ne conosce ancora un poco, con l’eccezione dei suoi strumenti matematici, il set di pianeti considerati e la Geomantia europea deterioratasi alcune centinaia di anni fa in una mera chiaroveggenza.

E dove sarebbe il problema? Non possediamo già sufficiente accesso al “piano cosmico? L’astrologia offre un campo non modificabile al gioco degli archetipi (Orishá) e spesso questo campo interferisce sostanzialmente con il gioco archetipico. È la parte fisica del gioco, in contrasto alla parte spirituale degli Orishá e Orí, l’io superiore.

Le informazioni a seguire si basano sulla diretta osservazione e procedimenti di me stesso, Max Sandor, Chris Melchior e Ed Dawson. Al momento, non esiste altro materiale di questo tipo disponibile, anche se il campo dell’Astrologia descrittiva è enorme e dettagliato.

Gli archetipi, che si esprimono attraverso gli esseri umani, sono come bambini che invadono un parco giochi. I giochi che incontrano cambiano la loro posizione in ogni momento e forniscono un grande circo, rendendo così il gioco più interessante e diversificato. Spesso, è vero, lo stesso “gioco” può applicarsi in svariate modalità distruttive e, anche se sappiamo come occuparci dei problemi degli archetipi, noi siamo gli “attori principali” e che necessitano fissare il “paesaggio” di base.

La cosa certa è che questo paesaggio è composto da una costellazione di pianeti al momento del concepimento e della nascita. Com’è possibile che questi pianeti così lontani possano influenzare la vita su sulla Terra? L’osservazione mostra che viene realizzata una COPIA della mappa planetaria ed installata all’interno del campo morfogenetico (dell’anima) di un’entità incarnata. Da lassù, aspetti di questa mappa, o progetto, saranno attivati in tutta la vita nelle varie situazioni e per tutta la durata. In questo modello non è perciò necessario che i pianeti abbiano un certo potere proprio, ma è la copia INTERNA della mappa che determina il suo funzionamento nella psiche dell’essere umano.

In contrapposizione agli Orishá, le forze dello Zodiaco sono atteggiamenti di base e, al massimo, mini copioni. Le forze si muovono in base alla tavola cosmica e non liberamente come gli Orishá. L’attivazione delle forze dello Zodiaco dipende INTERAMENTE dalla loro posizione geometrica rispetto ad altre forze di questo tipo. In un determinato periodo storico, solamente certe costellazioni sono possibili, e ciò limita notevolmente altre potenziali combinazioni per un solo essere umano.

L’astrologia classica è un’arte descrittiva. È utile per capire apparenti modelli di comportamento immutabili ma non è capace di cambiare alcuna caratteristica del sistema astrologico, e questo è il punto in cui siamo. Ciò che abbiamo cominciato a fare in modo sistematico è disattivare aspetti limitanti e in alcuni casi attivare modelli positivi. Attenzione, l’intero fenomeno delle mappe planetarie che agiscono sul comportamento umano è un fenomeno seriamente limitante ed anche gli aspetti positivi dovrebbero essere sostituiti perciò in breve tempo e attraverso rapide e decise azioni. Oltre una generica psico-astrologia laboriamo con effetti di risonanza, con sedute individuali, attraverso un allineamento, o tramite una rappresentazione fisica (skywork). Similarmente, possiamo trasformare un’interna opposizione negativa in una costruttiva cooperazione.

Altre possibili azioni, in alcuni casi benefiche, includono il mutamento dell’orizzonte (come ruotare la mappa, per esempio), modificando così il punto di vista globale (mettendo l’ascendente nella posizione corretta). Per persone avanzate, possiamo desensibilizzare anche la mappa intera e la sua costruzione iniziale. A tal fine, è necessario interferire con l’ultimo Bardo (area tra le vite) della persona.

Per mantenere determinate “abilità sociali” è consigliabile avere familiarità con gli archetipi astrologici e di base e sapere come azionarli, se si desidera, PRIMA di intercettare le funzioni di una mappa natale. In generale, una diretta conoscenza e familiarità con le forze dello Zodiaco forniscono un salto quantico nell’interazione sociali.

Grazie a nuove possibilità che nascono nell’attivazione consapevole delle forze dello Zodiaco, testimoniamo il sorgere di un paradigma affascinante che ci permette di capire, trattare e curare modelli di comportamento umani. Questo nuovo paradigma non sostituisce l’astrologia tradizionale o l’astropsicologia. Rappresenta invece una soluzione pratica a specifici problemi comunemente riscontrabili nel “planetario” di una persona.

Resta da enfatizzare che la nostra meta principale consiste nel TRASCENDERE tutti i modelli archetipici al fine di restaurare azioni pan-deterministiche dell’Essere stesso in accordo con le forze dello Zodiaco, che spesso si dimostra essere un primo passo necessario.

AstroDynamic Therapies

AstroDynamic Therapies

Strategies and advice
for Birth Chart Problems

Beginning January 2019 we are offering advise, strategies and repair actions for various ‘astrological problems’.
Contact: max@power-relations.com

Rationale and context:

Ifá and Astrology (or: Why your natal chart is important even if you do Ifá)
by Max Sandor

Historically, both Arabian Ifá (“ifaya”) and European Ifá (“Geomantia”) have had a link to astrology. Little is still known about it except its mathematical tools and the set of planets used and the European Geomantia deteriorated into mere fortunetelling some centuries ago.

Why would we bother? Don’t we have already sufficient access to the ‘cosmic play’? Astrology provides an ever changing backdrop to the play of Orisha archetypes and sometimes this backdrop can interfere substantially with the archetypal game. It is the physical side of the game, contrasting the play of the spiritual side of Orishas and Ori, the Higher Self.

The following informations are based on direct observations and processing of myself, Max Sandor, Chris Melchior, and Ed Dawson. There is no other material of this kind available in the moment even though the field of descriptive Astrology itself is vast and detailed.

The Orisha archetypes as expressed by humans are like children that invade a playground. The toys they find there change their position every second and provide a grand circus, making the game more interesting and varied. Sometimes, however, such a ‘toy’ may act in various destructive ways and, even knowing how to handle problems with the Orisha games, we as the ‘top players’ need to fix the basic landscape.

This landscape, of course, is the constellation of the planets at the time of birth. Observation shows that a COPY is made of the planetary chart and installed within the morphic field (‘soul part’) of an ‘incarnating’ entity. From there on, aspects of this chart or map, will be activated throughout life in various situations and times. It is the internalized copy of this map that determines its working in the psyche of the human.

In contrast to the Orisha, the Zodiac forces are basic attitudes and mini-scriptlets at the most. Its powers are moving with the cosmic timetable and not freely around like Orisha. The activation of the Zodiac forces depend ENTIRELY on their geometric positioning to other forces of its kind. Throughout a period of history, only certain constellations are possible, which is limiting its possible combinations for a single human being considerably.

Classical astrology is a descriptive art. It is very helpful in understanding seemingly unchangeable behavior patterns. It is usually not able however to modify any feature of the astrological system. What we started to do in a systematic way is to deactivate limitating aspects and in some cases activate positive patterns. Be aware, that the entire phenomenon of planetary maps for human behavior is a severly limitating phenomenon and even ‘positive’ aspects should therefore be replaced in time with pan-determined action. Beyond a generic astropsychology, We work with resonance effects, either in a personal setting (“session”) through ‘tuning’ or through physical placement (“Skywork”). Similary, we can change do “phase shifting” which turns an internal negative opposition into a constructive cooperation.

Other possible actions that are beneficial in some cases include changing the horizon (equal to rotating the map) and swapping the global viewpoint (putting the ascendant to the right side). For advanced persons, We can also desensitize the entire map and its initial construction which requires interfering with the most recent Bardo (the between-life-area) of the person.

To maintain ‘social skills’, it is advisable to be familiar with the basic astrological archetypes and to know how to operate them, if so wanted, BEFORE intercepting the functions of a natal chart. In general, direct knowledge and familiarity with the Zodiac powers provides a quantum leap in social interaction.

Because of the new possibilites that arise when activating the Zodiac forces consciously, we witness the rise of a fascinating paradigm of understanding and dealing with human behavior patterns. This new paradigm does not replace traditional astrology or astropsychology but it is a practical solution to specific problems commonly found in a person’s planetarium.

Remains to emphasize that our main goal consists of ultimately TRANSCENDING all archetypal patterns in order to restore pan-deterministic action of the Being itself and that working with Zodiac forces often is but a necessary stepping stone on this path.

Workshop Series: Get the Power of Systemic Thinking!

For a more academic setting, Max created a 16-part workshop series.

To learn more about it, see the complete slide package here: PowerPoint Presentatioon of the Workshop Series 2007/2017

A Look at the cover page and the summary page:

The “Get the Power of Systemic Thinking!” is a Workshop Series consisting of 16 modules.


Epigenetic Tuning & Reprogramming

Influences from the environment control our thoughts and emotions and can distort even our physical sensations. They are usually hidden from the conscious inspection of the human mind and can override genetic programming (DNA). They are summarized under the heading of epigenetics.

With the program package Epigenetic Tuning & Reprogramming, we can learn to identify the sources of epigenetic influences. We can then choose whether we want to amplify its influence in order to bring more of it into lives or if we want to eliminate them. We call this process tuning because we use emotional resonance to modify its characteristics.

This process should not be confused with a recent method for biological manipulation of genetic material (DNA) that is also known as Epigenetic Tuning. Such an alteration produces genetically modified organisms (GMOs) which can produce new offspring, such as in plant cultures, or even a human GMO. The role of DNA itself has been disproportionally blown up since its discovery. Today’s concept of its applications is but just one short step away from racism and eugenics. With this, we do not have anything in common.

In any case, recent scientific research has claimed that meditation can alter DNA itself. There has been no official medical investigation so far on the impact of Epigenetic Tuning & Reprogramming as a modifier of DNA. For the individual, the permanent relief that comes as a result of Epigenetic Tuning & Reprogramming does not need any such proof.  It is evident in itself through one’s own personal perceptions and experience.

The same holds true for ‘reprogramming’. Whether specific genes are being physically changed or not through Epigenetic Tuning & Reprogramming is irrelevant as long as the results show a new behavior pattern. With reprogramming we can literally ‘copy’ talents and qualities such as playing musical instruments or learning foreign languages.

The first part of Epigenetic Tuning & Reprogramming has previously been a package in itself. It provides a person with a completely new way of perceiving oneself in the stream of time between past and future. This is necessary to avoid an actuation of emotional contents associated with patterns in the past, such as traumatic memories, panic and phobias, or excessive flynching. This first part in itself is already more than reason enough to embark into learning and applying Epigenetic Tuning & Reprogramming for oneself.

This package comes in 4 individual sessions and with full online support for the time in between sessions. There is a website and a facebook page for Epigenetic Tuning & Reprogramming. After the first two sessions, access is granted to closed group on Facebook which provides background materials and the opportunity to share with others who are have applied Epigenetic Tuning & Reprogramming in their lives. It has become also a source of inspiration for many because you can learn from others of some of the many ways that Epigenetic Tuning & Reprogramming can be employed for more success and happiness in daily life.

Girapoli (depolarization)

Girapoli is a process sequence for enhanced depolarization. It is being offered as a package of 4 sessions in which you will learn to do it for yourself after having successfully depolarized several cardinal polarizations which are common to all human beings.

Polarization, the root cause for all problems

Most ancient philosophies and religions have isolated the phenomenon of polarization as the root cause of most, if not all, problems, either explicitly, like the Vedas and original Buddhism, or implicitly, like the Gnostics and African Ifá.

There is only one known remedy to it, all others tentatives are worsening the problem.  There is a temporary shortcut which consists in assuming the ‘opposite pole’. This has sometimes been seen as the final solution, like in the Balinese philosophy, and has been cause of a lot of misinterpretations. Both approaches are being practiced and taught while doing the Girapoli package.

Mistaking polarization as a general ‘law’ in the progress of civilizations

Based on Greek and Indian philosophies, European philosophers have concluded that polarization be a fact of nature and would be beneficial. This has led to the theory of ‘historical dialectic materialism’ of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, for example. After doing the Girapoli process for a short time only, you may already come to look at this and similar inferential constructions simply as belief systems.

Group polarization and manipulation

Members of groups can share a common polarization as a means of identifying with the group. This has been used extensively as a tool of manipulation. Recognizing these influences and becoming free from group identities and its insanities requires a basic individual polarity handling first.

Being caught in the ‘Matrix’

Polarizations do not occur just in isolated nodes but in polarized contexts. It is not enough to find and depolarize just one central polarization and be done with it. It is necessary to systematically erase the network of polarizations in one’s life which one could call the matrix of belief systems.  In the Girapoli package, an emphasis is therefore given to the learning of Girapoli process itself and its application in daily life.

Girapoli: beyond depolarization

In the Girapoli process, you can go far beyond any past solution to the resolution of the all-pervasive problem of polarizations. You can see for yourself what the original reasons for the existence of polarities are and you will learn how to ‘invoke’ polarities safely and draw its full power without getting hurt. To the best of our knowledge, this has never been done in the history of man before. With the knowledge and application of Girapoli, you can enter a new phase in the evolution of mankind!



The “Flow State”

The ‘Flow State’ is a state of mind and body in which a human is able to perform beyond ordinary abilities.

It is a ‘peak state’ in which components of the human being are synchronized to a degree that physical and mental obstacles are being overcomed with little or no effort.

Very often other peak-states are being mistaken for the ‘Flow State’. It is being assumed that the ‘real’ Flow State cannot be simply ‘switched on’ and that one can only prepare oneself for the possibility that ‘it happens’. This is partially true. However, one CAN enter the true Flow State deliberately using the outline given by Max Sandor’s in his Thrills&Chills Management articles if one can follow his footsteps.

It would be very difficult to teach the true ‘Flow State’ using online media. An interactive workshop ny Max Sandor can offer an introduction and a first glimpse.  Personal coaching is usually necessary but even that cannot guarantee the achievement of a real, ‘true’ Flow State.

Most aspirants capitulate because of inner resistances. Learning and applying the Girapoli package and undergo Epigenetic Tuning&Reprogramming are excellent preparations that have been leading people quite naturally and by itself into the experience of the true ‘Flow State’.

Serious aspirants can engage in the Reset, Restart, Go! program which provides a 9 day immersion program for body and mind.



Project Nagual

nagualenglishfrontProject Nagual is exactly what the name implies. 9 days of total immersion with a group of 16 men and women. In Brazil only. Application with interview, waver, and adequate preparations are necessary. Participants can opt out on Ayahuasca and other rituals if so desired; all steps of the program are voluntary. No outside contact is possible for the entire time. This experience is only for those without health issues.


(Click on the image to see the Flash flyer (Flash does not run iphone/ipad). Also available in Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and German upon request.)


Relative Pitch in Emotions and Spiritual Attitudes

Observation demonstrates that the ‘spiritual attitude’ of a person in respect to an upcoming event will modify the outcome of the event.

Such ‘attitudes’ override any mental considerations and any forced emotional attitudes such as ‘postulating’ or ‘desiring’.

The modification of spiritual attitudes has been close to impossible in the past for various reasons: firstly, the inability of an observer to observe himself, and therefore ‘feeling himself’, too; secondly, the power of an unreferenced symbol or perception as a ‘near-absolute’ which excludes any other options.

Again, in theory the solution is amazingly simple: if we interpret the attitude as a deviation to a ‘normal’ level of affairs, it suffices to find exactly the attitude of what would be normal to restore freedom from the fixed attitude.

Fortunately, there is correlation to our musical perceptions: if we interpret our ‘stressed’ attitude being in a relative pitch relation to a base frequency, we can immediately access the ‘normal’ attitude exactly the same way as finding the base tone in musical tones.

Experience with the method of applying this concordance yields an amazing result: not only will the fixed attitude be overcome as such, but it also opens up all other possible attitudes. Just as it is the case with music – once the base tone to a given note is known, all other relative pitch notes can be produced.

This method has been found to be of immense value for all three major sections of the Human Self: Higher Self spiritual attitudes) – Emotions (Middle Self) – and Lower Self (soul levels – subconsciousness).

It can be used not only for removal of unwanted emotional conditions or attitudes but also to instill desired qualities for motivation, endurance, and artistic purposes. Notably, it can be used as a door to the much-wanted Flow-State.

The phenomenon of the ‘relative pitch’ is of a fractal character. It can be found in manifestations of all magnitudes and varieties. Yet, with few exceptions, it eluded man’s vision of nature.

With the comprehension of the ‘relative pitch’ of emotions and attitudes being an inner perception and subjective evaluation, this method has been taught so far only in individual Coaching. It has been found that it is not necessary to have already the ability called ‘perfect relative pitch’ in order to apply this method successfully – the process of self-discovery is the same. This method also does not depend on linguistic or musical abilities. It has already been used, for example, as an auxiliary tool for the successful treatment of autism in small children with very limited vocabulary.

In summary, it is highly recommended for all ages and walks of life even for those who do not consider themselves having problems with unwanted emotions or lack of motivation!


  • — for workshops and seminars, please monitor Max Sandor’s activities on this website or in Twitter. For individual consultations, write him directly at msandor@orunla.org. —